About Us - Port Jervis Police Department

About The Port Jervis Police Department

The Port Jervis Police Department is committed to protect, preserve, and safeguard the constitutional and civil rights of all citizens through impartial and courteous law enforcement with integrity and professionalism. We shall ensure public safety and provide quality service in partnership with our communities.


Our Mission

  •  We, the sworn public servants and guardians of the community of the City of Port Jervis define our mission as critical to the safety and security of those we serve.

  •  We are committed to demonstrate excellence in policing by working in partnership with our community to serve, protect, defend and improve the quality of life for the residents and visitors of the City of Port Jervis while preserving the rights and dignity of all.

  •  We stand with courage to face all situations and offenders that threaten the rights, property, and life of our community and strive to demonstrate excellence in the public service we provide.

Mission Priorities and Objectives:

The following objectives have been established to accomplish the mission within the budgetary and resource constraints imposed on our law enforcement organization. In partnership with the community, we pledge to:

  1. Protect Life and Property of Our Fellow Citizens.

    • As guardians, we value each and every life and are committed to provide services that contribute to the preservation of life, the protection of property, and the safety of the community.

  2. Prevent, Detect and Investigate Criminal Activity and Apprehend Offenders While Preserving the Civil and Constitutional Rights of All Individuals.

    • We pledge to prevent crime through active and coordinated patrols that limit the opportunity for criminal activity and through awareness programs for citizens.

    • We shall enforce the law and provide for the expeditious and prudent apprehension of suspected law violators within the boundaries of our prescribed authority while respecting civil rights and at all times displaying honor, integrity, professionalism, and impartiality which our positions require

  3. Promote Community Partnerships and Trust and Provide Public Service.

    • As public servants, we recognize that our agency cannot operate at its maximum potential without supportive input and cooperation from the citizens we serve. Our conduct and actions, both individually and collectively, are based upon the high value we place on earning and maintaining the public trust.

    • We shall interact with the public in a professional, respectful, and productive manner, actively soliciting and encouraging citizen input to identify and solve community problems, limit the opportunities for crime, and to assist in bringing to justice those that break the law.

  4. Ensure Traffic Safety for Pedestrians and Motorists.

    • We shall provide for the safe and effective flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and the investigation of traffic related accidents to reduce the deaths, injuries, and property damage caused by motor vehicle accidents through proactive vehicle and traffic enforcement and education to make the roads safe for all users.

  5. Preserve and Promote the Public Peace, Reduce Fear, and Maintain Public Order.

    • We value the safety of our community and acknowledge our obligation to ensure that residents feel safe in their homes, places of employment, and in public places. We render our services with courtesy and civility and will work tirelessly to maintain peace and public order and assist during times of emergency to provide for the safety and security of all.

  6. Promote Professionalism, Leadership, Personal Development, and Compliance with Ethical Standards.

    • We are committed to professionalism, maintaining high ethical standards and promoting the highest levels of discipline, integrity, and adherence to professional practices in all aspects of our operation.

    • We are committed to provide department members with the highest quality support services, training, and equipment to promote continuous learning, efficiency and excellence to ensure that we always provide capable and professional law enforcement services without partiality or discrimination.

Core Values

We hold our values constantly before us to teach and remind us and the community of our ideals. They are the foundation upon which our policies, goals, and operations are built.

  1. Honor. We are committed to respecting ourselves, our peers, and those we serve upholding the Honor of our profession by providing honest and faithful police service to all in a caring, competent, and professional manner.
  2. Integrity. We believe Integrity is character in action and are morally and ethically aware, resolute, and above reproach at all times.
  3. Courage. We recognize that “courage is not the absence of fear, but the mastery of it.” We stand firm in the face of danger and will confront all threats to the safety and security of our community with intelligence and vigor.
  4. Trust. We solemnly value the trust that has been placed in us by those we are sworn to serve and we are committed to holding ourselves to a higher standard of accountability to continually earn their respect each and every day.
  5. Leadership. We are committed to be positive community leaders and public servants who lead by example, inspire, influence and support others in our organization, our profession, and our community with a clear vision of growth for our future.
  6. Excellence. We are committed to excellence in the community we serve, the services we provide, our personal performance and our professionalism.
  7. Duty. We do not swerve from the path of our obligations, nor do we depart from standards of professional conduct. We obey the law and enforce it without any consideration of class, color, creed, or condition.

Port Jervis Police Department Core Values

Our Motto

“Serving Our Community with Courage, Vision and Integrity since 1853”

Department Information